Jay Aggett - Holistic Therapist

To book a treatment call Jay on 07980 147486 or email spiritdance63@hotmail.com


Holistic therapies work on all levels – physically, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. Over time, especially if we suffer repeated trauma, areas become blocked or weakened and often manifest later in a negative way, for instance anger, phobias, ongoing physical or mental health issues and addictions. Treatment seeks to reach the underlying causes of disharmony to bring back balance and wellness.

I only work intuitively, working according to what I feel the patient's whole system needs. At all times, the patient's safety and comfort are paramount, so it is always okay to ask questions or let me know if you're not feeling good during a treatment. Where a patient doesn't like to be touched, I can work off the body.

Cranio-Sacral Therapy (CST)

Cranio-Sacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle practice that reaches deep within the body, releasing holding patterns, tension and trauma. It connects with every part of us including bones, fascia, organs and fluids, and works on our internal qualities and rhythms, especially those of the cerebro-spinal fluid that surrounds the brain and spine yet influences the whole body’s system.

It works well with babies and children, and treatments can be given from the moment of birth (and even in the womb). I have seen a variety of childhood conditions and birth anomalies be effectively relieved.

In adults, many conditions can benefit from CST and those that may benefit most are the persistent and long term ones that haven’t found satisfactory improvement elsewhere. CST often finds a favourable response fairly quickly, possibly due to how the body can take part in its own healing.

60mins £55.00 / 90mins £75.00

Crystal Therapy

Crystals hold vibrations that resonate with our own and like ours, each crystal’s energy is different, even if some look identical. When placed on or around us, their vibrational frequencies work within our system to help release tension, bring back balance and reach the underlying causes of illness, to help us to find balance and harmony. Often, people find that when one area is addressed, other areas feel the benefit.

Working intuitively, I find which techniques my patient needs, then link to the crystals to find which ones need to be used. I never use crystals just because books say they're right.

60mins £55.00 / 90mins £75.00


Translating as Universal Energy, Reiki is a gentle hands-on method of healing, working from head to toe and front to back. It works within the system wherever and however it is needed most, to find the areas where trauma and disharmony are held in order to provide release and wellness. Where cancer is concerned, I don't give Reiki to people receiving chemotherapy until after their last session. However, I am able to use crystals and CST.

60mins £55.00 / 90mins £75.00

Intuitive Healing

This is where I use a mixture of various therapies, including voice, according to what I feel is needed, giving the patient a wider experience.

60mins £55.00 / 90mins £75.00

Intensive Healing Session

This is more than a healing treatment; it is a 3-hour session tailored to suit the individual client. It involves any or all of the above therapies, and can also include meditation, guided pathworking, movement, colour and sound. It is structured more in the form of a workshop to allow greater client participation and a deeper healing experience than a regular treatment.

This is not recommended for anyone who is not used to holistic therapy as even a regular treatment can be powerful and 3 hours might feel overwhelming to a newcomer. However, it is perfect for those who are used to energy work and feel they need or would like to have a more profound and immersive healing experience.

For anyone I have not seen before, I would recommend having a regular treatment with me first.

Please wear comfortable clothing and bring layers as your body temperature may fluctuate. Please also try not to eat heavily beforehand as you will feel more comfortable if you aren't feeling full. Water will be provided.

Session is from 10 am to 1pm but can be adjusted if necessary.

3 hours £125

Sound Therapy - Volunteers wanted

I am currently looking for volunteers to receive free treatments in Sound Therapy in order to help me qualify in this wonderful healing technique. Come and try it out and see how amazing it is. Call me for details 07980 147486

What is sound therapy?